Call to ‘teach’ women on polygamy raises heckles Friday May 23,
THE discussion on
problems afflicting the Syariah Courts caused a ruckus after Ibrahim Ali (Ind –
Pasir Mas) called for a campaign on the concept of polygamy to be taught to all
women to end such problems.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Islamic Affairs, Datuk
Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, fielded questions from the Opposition on delays in settling
Syariah cases with Zuraida Kamaruddin (PKR – Ampang) saying it was “very
painful” for a woman to have to go to court three separate times to settle a
“A woman has to go once for the divorce, once again for custody and again for
property division. It is extremely painful for them.”
Fuziah Salleh (PKR –
Kuantan) then asked if Syariah Court counsellors were qualified, pointing out
that she had received numerous complaints about how the woman was always blamed
for everything.
“They are not counselled but given 'advice.' And every time, they are told that
the woman is to be blamed. If it is a family problem, they must be patient. If
they are beaten up, they must also be patient,” she said.
As Ahmad Zahid was
about to answer, Ibrahim stood up to say that such cases would not stop
happening as the population was increasing and divorces were taking place
“Such problems happen
because women cannot accept polygamy. From a preventive point of view, what
about doing a big campaign so that women can accept polygamy?” he asked.
Ibrahim said women did
not understand that when they were pregnant for nine months, or had “problems”
when they hit their 50s, their men still wanted to “have fun”.
“So the man wants to marry again, and the wife gets jealous and asks for a
This caused Zuraida to stand up and say that a gender approach was very
Ahmad Zahid agreed, saying: “That man is a male chauvinist.” To this, Ibrahim
When Ibrahim said that it was allowed from the Islamic point of view, Zuraida
hit back and said men must be held to blame, too.
When the House finally
calmed down, Ahmad Zahid said although prevention could also be looked into,
what was important was to take care of the family.

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Petikan ini
>>Ibrahim said women did not understand that when they were
pregnant for nine months, or had “problems” when they hit their 50s, their men
still wanted to “have fun”.
Bayangkan kalau lelaki asyik nak
berseronok apa akibatnya.. Keluarga porak peranda..
He wants a
fourth, and his wives agree 16 May 2008
Rosli Zakaria KUALA
TERENGGANU: It is not often that two wives can get along without bickering and
vying for their husband's attention.
But in this case, Mohamed Nor Awang, 51, has three wives - and they are
supporting him in his decision to take a fourth wife.
The women have consented to him marrying again and all three went to the
Syariah High Court yesterday to hear his application.
Mohamed Nor told Syariah High Court judge Sheikh Ahmad Ismail Hakim that he was
capable of supporting a fourth wife and that he would be fair to all of them.
However, the judge was not taken in by his assurance. Sheikh Ahmad told Mohamed
Nor to submit an additional affidavit to support his claims because as an
odd-job worker earning about RM1,500 a month, he was not sure Mohamed Nor had
the financial capacity to support all four wives and be fair to them.
At this juncture, Mohamed Nor's three wives stood up and asked the court to
allow their husband to take a fourth wife.
The three wives are Wan Rukiah Mat Yusoff, 52, Kalthum Dolaj, 39, and Noraini
Daud, 40, and they have 18 children.
Sheikh Ahmad told Mohamed Nor to provide additional proof - the wali and his
future bride must come to court and he must produce his bank account to show
that he has the financial capacity to support a fourth wife.
"You have until Sunday to provide the proof," said Sheikh Ahmad.
Beginilah kerenah lelaki yang ingin berkahwin lagi.
Bayangkan dengan pendapatan yang hanya RM 1,500 dan mempunyai 3 isteri
dan 18 anak.
Bolehkah berlaku adil?? Adil dari segi batin je.. alahai lelaki..
Anak-anaklah yang akan menjadi mangsa walhal bapa berseronok..hmmmm
Saya sering tertanya, di dunia ini.. adakah keadilan itu benar2
wujud? Apakah erti 'keadilan' yang sebenarnya.. yang sering dilaungkan oleh
insan sejagat.. Sehingga kini saya masih tercari-cari erti 'keadilan' yang
Adil pada satu pihak, namun pihak yang lain akan merasa tiada
Bolehkah kita adil pada semua pihak? Bagaimana hendak memenuhi
kehendak semua pihak agar adil seadanya.
Kerana apabila satu pihak tewas, ada satu pihak yang meraihkan
Kerana apabila satu pihak menangis, ada satu pihak yang
tersenyum puas.
Kerana apabila satu pihak untung, ada satu pihak yang rugi
Dan perbagai lagi situasi..
Jadi bagaimana bisa kita adil.. dalam erti kata yang